1. Here is a list of resources from books to podcasts to websites to learn more about founding your own business: In this list you can find:
And more.
2. Join organizations that can provide entrepreneur tips for startups and finance tips for founders, support, and a knowledge base including challenges and projects.
3. Here are some accelerators and fellowships that provide support and business development tips for startups:
4. Make sure you understand the strategies needed to get your business started. We’ve curated some of the best tips for entrepreneurs and startups from our partner, Space Capital, along with insights from other top VCs to help get you started in two documents: “Developing Your Fundraising Strategy and Pitch” and “Creating Your Board and Setting a Governance Strategy”.
5. Always be prepared with your pitch. And when you are ready, find investors whose thesis matches your business, and contact the VCs who can get you there . For example, if you have a business in the space-tech industry, submit your pitch to Space Talent here.
We hope that prepared with these business tips for startups and founders, you can jumpstart your company and start your space career today. When you do, submit your pitch to Space Talent.